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  1. Hadoop YARN
  2. YARN-11656

RMStateStore event queue blocked



    • Improvement
    • Status: Patch Available
    • Major
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • 3.4.1
    • None
    • yarn


      Problem statement

      I observed Yarn cluster has pending and available resources as well, but the cluster utilization is usually around ~50%. The cluster had loaded with 200 parallel PI example job (from hadoop-mapreduce-examples) with 20 map and 20 reduce containers configured, on a 50 nodes cluster, where each node had 8 cores, and a lot of memory (there was cpu bottleneck).
      Finally, I realized the RM had some IO bottleneck and needed 1~20 seconds to persist a RMStateStoreEvent (using FileSystemRMStateStore).

      To reduce the impact of the issue:

      • create a dispatcher where events can persist in parallel threads
      • create metric data for the RMStateStore event queue to be able easily to identify the problem if occurs on a cluster
      Issue visible on UI2

      Also another way to identify the issue if we can see too much time is required to store info for app after reach new_saving state

      How issue can look like in log


      Created a MultiDispatcher class which implements the Dispatcher interface.
      The Dispatcher creates a separate metric object called Event metrics for "rm-state-store" where we can see

      • how many unhandled events are currently present in the event queue for the specific event type
      • how many events were handled for the specific event type
      • average execution time for the specific event

      The dispatcher has the following configs ( the placeholder is for the dispatcher name, for example, rm-state-store )

      Config name Description Default value
      yarn.dispatcher.multi-thread.{}.default-pool-size How many parallel threads should execute the parallel event execution 4
      yarn.dispatcher.multi-thread.{}.queue-size Size of the eventqueue 1 000 000
      yarn.dispatcher.multi-thread.{}.monitor-seconds The size of the event queue will be logged with this frequency (if not zero) 0
      yarn.dispatcher.multi-thread.{}.graceful-stop-seconds After the stop signal the dispatcher will wait this many seconds to be able to process the incoming events before terminating them 60
      yarn.dispatcher.multi-thread.{}.metrics-enabled The dispatcher should publish metrics data to the metric system false
      Example output from RM JMX api
            "name": "Hadoop:service=ResourceManager,name=Event metrics for rm-state-store",
            "modelerType": "Event metrics for rm-state-store",
            "tag.Context": "yarn",
            "tag.Hostname": CENSORED
            "RMStateStoreEventType#STORE_APP_ATTEMPT_Current": 51,
            "RMStateStoreEventType#STORE_APP_ATTEMPT_NumOps": 0,
            "RMStateStoreEventType#STORE_APP_ATTEMPT_AvgTime": 0.0,
            "RMStateStoreEventType#STORE_APP_Current": 124,
            "RMStateStoreEventType#STORE_APP_NumOps": 46,
            "RMStateStoreEventType#STORE_APP_AvgTime": 3318.25,
            "RMStateStoreEventType#UPDATE_APP_Current": 31,
            "RMStateStoreEventType#UPDATE_APP_NumOps": 16,
            "RMStateStoreEventType#UPDATE_APP_AvgTime": 2629.6666666666665,
            "RMStateStoreEventType#UPDATE_APP_ATTEMPT_Current": 31,
            "RMStateStoreEventType#UPDATE_APP_ATTEMPT_NumOps": 12,
            "RMStateStoreEventType#UPDATE_APP_ATTEMPT_AvgTime": 2048.6666666666665,
            "RMStateStoreEventType#REMOVE_APP_Current": 12,
            "RMStateStoreEventType#REMOVE_APP_NumOps": 3,
            "RMStateStoreEventType#REMOVE_APP_AvgTime": 1378.0,
            "RMStateStoreEventType#REMOVE_APP_ATTEMPT_Current": 0,
            "RMStateStoreEventType#REMOVE_APP_ATTEMPT_NumOps": 0,
            "RMStateStoreEventType#REMOVE_APP_ATTEMPT_AvgTime": 0.0,
            "RMStateStoreEventType#FENCED_Current": 0,
            "RMStateStoreEventType#FENCED_NumOps": 0,
            "RMStateStoreEventType#FENCED_AvgTime": 0.0,
            "RMStateStoreEventType#STORE_MASTERKEY_Current": 0,
            "RMStateStoreEventType#STORE_MASTERKEY_NumOps": 0,
            "RMStateStoreEventType#STORE_MASTERKEY_AvgTime": 0.0,
            "RMStateStoreEventType#REMOVE_MASTERKEY_Current": 0,
            "RMStateStoreEventType#REMOVE_MASTERKEY_NumOps": 0,
            "RMStateStoreEventType#REMOVE_MASTERKEY_AvgTime": 0.0,
            "RMStateStoreEventType#STORE_DELEGATION_TOKEN_Current": 0,
            "RMStateStoreEventType#STORE_DELEGATION_TOKEN_NumOps": 0,
            "RMStateStoreEventType#STORE_DELEGATION_TOKEN_AvgTime": 0.0,
            "RMStateStoreEventType#REMOVE_DELEGATION_TOKEN_Current": 0,
            "RMStateStoreEventType#REMOVE_DELEGATION_TOKEN_NumOps": 0,
            "RMStateStoreEventType#REMOVE_DELEGATION_TOKEN_AvgTime": 0.0,
            "RMStateStoreEventType#UPDATE_DELEGATION_TOKEN_Current": 0,
            "RMStateStoreEventType#UPDATE_DELEGATION_TOKEN_NumOps": 0,
            "RMStateStoreEventType#UPDATE_DELEGATION_TOKEN_AvgTime": 0.0,
            "RMStateStoreEventType#UPDATE_AMRM_TOKEN_Current": 0,
            "RMStateStoreEventType#UPDATE_AMRM_TOKEN_NumOps": 0,
            "RMStateStoreEventType#UPDATE_AMRM_TOKEN_AvgTime": 0.0,
            "RMStateStoreEventType#STORE_RESERVATION_Current": 0,
            "RMStateStoreEventType#STORE_RESERVATION_NumOps": 0,
            "RMStateStoreEventType#STORE_RESERVATION_AvgTime": 0.0,
            "RMStateStoreEventType#REMOVE_RESERVATION_Current": 0,
            "RMStateStoreEventType#REMOVE_RESERVATION_NumOps": 0,
            "RMStateStoreEventType#REMOVE_RESERVATION_AvgTime": 0.0,
            "RMStateStoreEventType#STORE_PROXY_CA_CERT_Current": 0,
            "RMStateStoreEventType#STORE_PROXY_CA_CERT_NumOps": 0,
            "RMStateStoreEventType#STORE_PROXY_CA_CERT_AvgTime": 0.0


      I deployed the MultiDispatcher supported version of yarn to the cluster and applied the following performance test:

      for i in {1..50}; 
       	ssh root@$i-node-url 'nohup ./perf.sh 4 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/nul &' &
      sleep 300
      for i in {1..50}; 
      	ssh root@$i-node-url "pkill -9 -f perf" &
      sleep 5
      echo "DONE"

      Each node had do following perf script

      while true
          if [ $(ps -o pid= -u hadoop | wc -l) -le $1 ]
              hadoop jar /opt/hadoop-mapreduce-examples.jar pi 20 20 1>/dev/null 2>&1 &
          sleep 1

      This way in 5 minute (+ wait until all job finish) i could process 332 app.
      After i tested the same with the official build i needed 5 minute only to finish with the first app, after that 221 app were finished.

      I also tested it with LeveldbRMStateStore and ZKRMStateStore and did not found any problem with the implementation


        1. issue.png
          342 kB
          Bence Kosztolnik
        2. log.png
          2.86 MB
          Bence Kosztolnik

        Issue Links



              bkosztolnik Bence Kosztolnik
              bkosztolnik Bence Kosztolnik
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