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  1. Subversion
  2. SVN-1702

Initial checkout should scale well for large projects



    • Improvement
    • Status: Open
    • Minor
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • all
    • unscheduled
    • unknown


      Once an initial checkout has been made with Subversion, "switching" to a new
      tag/branch is very efficient, using only the deltas between the two versions of
      the remote repository, rather than a time-consuming fresh checkout.  This is a
      great feature.
      However, for very large projects the initial checkout from a remote repository
      can be quite time consuming while all files are transferred to the local working
      This initial checkout could be optimized using a modified version of a caching
      DAV filesystem that transfers files either on-demand or predictively, and also
      integrates the .svn directories used by the client.
      From the client's perspective, such as command line, RapidSVN, TortoiseSVN, etc,
      the filesystem appears identical to the copy-everything-first scenario.
      From the user's perspective, initial checkout is a lot faster, and the real cost
      of the initial checkout is amortized over many svn operation as the user
      interacts with the working copy.
      Exposure of this feature might be as simple as a single argument to the checkout
      command.  For example:  svn co -dynamic ...
      Of course, the initial checkout is pinned to a specific version of the
      repository, so the contents of subdirectories is predictable, even if they are
      requested much later.
      As for implementation, the davfs module for mounting webdav servers on Linux
      might provide a useful starting point.  On NTFS, reparse points are probably a
      big part of the answer.

      Original issue reported by jfallows




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