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  1. Shiro
  2. SHIRO-347

Improved JndiLdapRealm Concept



    • New Feature
    • Status: Open
    • Trivial
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • 1.2.0
    • 2.0.0
    • Realms
    • No dependency


      I am new to this framework, but I have a concept for extending the JndiLdapRealm to make it more usable for larger LDAP trees. I have found the JndiLdapRealm to be VERY limiting, especially since it only
      allows a single OU due to the use of 'userDnTemplate'. I have extended the JndiLdapRealm class to allow for sub-tree searches with a base OU as well as customized search filters. This implementation probably isn't production ready, and doesn't follow the coding standards of Shiro, it is more of a proof of concept. Since I don't see a way to attach files/diffs, the source and configuration for Shiro.ini is below:

      == Start Source ==
      package net.dupage88.usercentral.shiro;

      import java.util.ArrayList;
      import java.util.List;
      import javax.naming.NamingEnumeration;
      import javax.naming.NamingException;
      import javax.naming.directory.SearchControls;
      import javax.naming.directory.SearchResult;
      import javax.naming.ldap.LdapContext;
      import org.apache.shiro.authc.AuthenticationInfo;
      import org.apache.shiro.authc.AuthenticationToken;
      import org.apache.shiro.realm.ldap.JndiLdapRealm;
      import org.apache.shiro.realm.ldap.LdapContextFactory;
      import org.apache.shiro.realm.ldap.LdapUtils;
      import org.apache.shiro.util.StringUtils;
      import org.slf4j.Logger;
      import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;


      • @author csyperski
        public class CWSJndiLdapRealm extends JndiLdapRealm
        private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(CWSJndiLdapRealm.class);

      public static final String DEFAULT_SEARCH_FILTER = "(uid=

      private String searchBase;
      private String searchFilter;

      public CWSJndiLdapRealm()
      { super(); searchFilter = DEFAULT_SEARCH_FILTER; searchBase = null; }

      public void setUserDnTemplate(String template) throws IllegalArgumentException
      { throw new RuntimeException("This method is not implemented, please use setSeachFilter and setBaseDn"); }

      public String getUserDnTemplate()
      { throw new RuntimeException("This method is not implemented, please use getSeachFilter and getBaseDn"); }

      protected String getSearchFilter(String principal) throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalStateException
      if (!StringUtils.hasText(principal))
      { throw new IllegalArgumentException("User principal cannot be null or empty."); }

      if ( ! searchFilter.contains("{0}

      ") )
      log.warn("You didn't include

      {0} in your searchFilter, I assume you know what you are doing!");
      return searchFilter.replace("{0}

      ", principal);

      protected AuthenticationInfo queryForAuthenticationInfo(AuthenticationToken token,
      LdapContextFactory ldapContextFactory)
      throws NamingException {

      Object principal = token.getPrincipal();
      Object credentials = token.getCredentials();

      if ( searchBase == null || searchBase.trim().length() == 0 )

      { log.error("searchBase must be defined"); return null; }

      if ( searchFilter == null || searchFilter.trim().length() == 0 )

      { log.error("searchFilter must be defined"); return null; }

      if ( ! (principal instanceof String) )

      { log.error("principal must be a string"); return null; }

      String filter = getSearchFilter((String)principal);

      log.debug("Using base: {}", searchBase);
      log.debug("Using filter: {}", filter);

      LdapContext ctx = null;

      SearchControls searchControls = new SearchControls();
      searchControls.setReturningAttributes(new String[]

      { "dn" }


      /* We don't know what the search filter will look like

      • So if we get multiple results, we should try them all.
        List<String> possibleDns = new ArrayList<String>();

      /* Lets search for the user first */
      log.debug("Searching for user '{}' through LDAP", principal);
      ctx = ldapContextFactory.getSystemLdapContext();
      NamingEnumeration response = ctx.search(searchBase, filter, searchControls);
      while (response.hasMoreElements())

      { possibleDns.add(((SearchResult)response.next()).getNameInNamespace()); }


      { LdapUtils.closeContext(ctx); }

      /* Now lets authenticate */
      if ( ! possibleDns.isEmpty() )
      for( String dn : possibleDns )
      ctx = null;
      log.debug("Attempting dn '{}' through LDAP", dn);
      ctx = ldapContextFactory.getLdapContext(dn, credentials);
      log.debug("Authenticated: {}!", dn);
      return createAuthenticationInfo(token, principal, credentials, ctx); // currently uses simple -> change to a subclass thats supports holding the dn?
      catch ( NamingException e )
      log.debug("Failed to authenticate for: {}", dn);

      { LdapUtils.closeContext(ctx); }


      throw new NamingException( "User: '" + (String)principal + "' not authenticated!" );


      • @return the searchBase
        public String getSearchBase() { return searchBase; }


      • @param searchBase the searchBase to set
        public void setSearchBase(String searchBase) { this.searchBase = searchBase; }


      • @return the searchFilter
        public String getSearchFilter() { return searchFilter; }


      • @param searchFilter the searchFilter to set
        public void setSearchFilter(String searchFilter) { this.searchFilter = searchFilter; }

        == End Source ==

      == Configuration Details ==


      ldapRealm = [yourpackagename].CWSJndiLdapRealm

      1. Removed the need for this below
      2. userDnTemplate limited the scope to a single OU (I believe)
      3. so it is replaced by searchBase and searchFilter
        #ldapRealm.userDnTemplate = cn= {0},ou=test,o=test

        # This is the root of the LDAP search
        ldapRealm.searchBase = o=test # NEW - The search root

        # Search filter allows for more complex queries like (&(cn={0}


      4. or (&(uid= {0})(objectClass=inetOrgPerson)(memberOf=somegroup))
        ldapRealm.searchFilter = (cn={0}


      ldapRealm.contextFactory.url = ldap://X.X.X.X:389
      ldapRealm.contextFactory.authenticationMechanism = DIGEST-MD5
      ldapRealm.contextFactory.systemUsername = cn=someuser,o=test
      ldapRealm.contextFactory.systemPassword = somepassword




            Unassigned Unassigned
            csyperski Charles Syperski
            1 Vote for this issue
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              Time Tracking

                Original Estimate - 2h
                Remaining Estimate - 2h
                Time Spent - Not Specified
                Not Specified