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  1. Mesos
  2. MESOS-6938

Libprocess reinitialization is flaky, can segfault.



    • Bug
    • Status: Resolved
    • Major
    • Resolution: Cannot Reproduce
    • None
    • None
    • libprocess, test
    • ASF CI, CentOS 7, libevent and SSL enabled

    • 3


      This was observed on ASF CI. Based on the placement of the stacktrace, the segfault seems to occur during libprocess reinitialization, when process::initialize is called:

      [----------] 4 tests from Encryption/NetSocketTest
      [ RUN      ] Encryption/NetSocketTest.EOFBeforeRecv/0
      I0117 15:18:35.320691 27596 openssl.cpp:419] CA file path is unspecified! NOTE: Set CA file path with LIBPROCESS_SSL_CA_FILE=<filepath>
      I0117 15:18:35.320714 27596 openssl.cpp:424] CA directory path unspecified! NOTE: Set CA directory path with LIBPROCESS_SSL_CA_DIR=<dirpath>
      I0117 15:18:35.320719 27596 openssl.cpp:429] Will not verify peer certificate!
      NOTE: Set LIBPROCESS_SSL_VERIFY_CERT=1 to enable peer certificate verification
      I0117 15:18:35.320726 27596 openssl.cpp:435] Will only verify peer certificate if presented!
      NOTE: Set LIBPROCESS_SSL_REQUIRE_CERT=1 to require peer certificate verification
      I0117 15:18:35.335141 27596 process.cpp:1234] libprocess is initialized on with 16 worker threads
      [       OK ] Encryption/NetSocketTest.EOFBeforeRecv/0 (422 ms)
      [ RUN      ] Encryption/NetSocketTest.EOFBeforeRecv/1
      I0117 15:18:35.390697 27596 process.cpp:1234] libprocess is initialized on with 16 worker threads
      [       OK ] Encryption/NetSocketTest.EOFBeforeRecv/1 (6 ms)
      [ RUN      ] Encryption/NetSocketTest.EOFAfterRecv/0
      I0117 15:18:35.998528 27596 openssl.cpp:419] CA file path is unspecified! NOTE: Set CA file path with LIBPROCESS_SSL_CA_FILE=<filepath>
      I0117 15:18:35.998559 27596 openssl.cpp:424] CA directory path unspecified! NOTE: Set CA directory path with LIBPROCESS_SSL_CA_DIR=<dirpath>
      I0117 15:18:35.998566 27596 openssl.cpp:429] Will not verify peer certificate!
      NOTE: Set LIBPROCESS_SSL_VERIFY_CERT=1 to enable peer certificate verification
      I0117 15:18:35.998572 27596 openssl.cpp:435] Will only verify peer certificate if presented!
      NOTE: Set LIBPROCESS_SSL_REQUIRE_CERT=1 to require peer certificate verification
      I0117 15:18:36.010643 27596 process.cpp:1234] libprocess is initialized on with 16 worker threads
      [       OK ] Encryption/NetSocketTest.EOFAfterRecv/0 (664 ms)
      [ RUN      ] Encryption/NetSocketTest.EOFAfterRecv/1
      I0117 15:18:36.079453 27596 process.cpp:1234] libprocess is initialized on with 16 worker threads
      [       OK ] Encryption/NetSocketTest.EOFAfterRecv/1 (19 ms)
      *** Aborted at 1484666316 (unix time) try "date -d @1484666316" if you are using GNU date ***
      PC: @     0x7f7643ad7c56 __memcpy_ssse3_back
      *** SIGSEGV (@0x57c10f8) received by PID 27596 (TID 0x7f76393c2700) from PID 92016888; stack trace: ***
          @     0x7f7644ba0370 (unknown)
          @     0x7f7643ad7c56 __memcpy_ssse3_back
          @     0x7f76443248e0 (unknown)
          @     0x7f7644324f8c (unknown)
          @           0x422a4d process::UPID::UPID()
      I0117 15:18:36.090376 27596 process.cpp:1234] libprocess is initialized on with 16 worker threads
      [----------] 4 tests from Encryption/NetSocketTest (1116 ms total)
      [----------] 6 tests from SSLVerifyIPAdd/SSLTest
      [ RUN      ] SSLVerifyIPAdd/SSLTest.BasicSameProcess/0
          @           0x8ae4a8 process::DispatchEvent::DispatchEvent()
          @           0x8a6a5e process::internal::dispatch()
          @           0x8c0b44 process::dispatch<>()
          @           0x8a598a process::ProcessBase::route()
          @           0x98be53 process::ProcessBase::route<>()
          @           0x988096 process::Help::initialize()
          @           0x89ef2a process::ProcessManager::resume()
          @           0x89b976 _ZZN7process14ProcessManager12init_threadsEvENKUt_clEv
          @           0x8adb3c _ZNSt12_Bind_simpleIFZN7process14ProcessManager12init_threadsEvEUt_vEE9_M_invokeIIEEEvSt12_Index_tupleIIXspT_EEE
          @           0x8ada80 _ZNSt12_Bind_simpleIFZN7process14ProcessManager12init_threadsEvEUt_vEEclEv
          @           0x8ada0a _ZNSt6thread5_ImplISt12_Bind_simpleIFZN7process14ProcessManager12init_threadsEvEUt_vEEE6_M_runEv
          @     0x7f764431b230 (unknown)
          @     0x7f7644b98dc5 start_thread
          @     0x7f7643a8473d __clone
      make[7]: *** [check-local] Segmentation fault




            Unassigned Unassigned
            greggomann Greg Mann
            0 Vote for this issue
            5 Start watching this issue

