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  2. IMPALA-4049

Incorrect results from non-grouping aggregation on nested collection when on the build side of a nested-loop join.




      Queries with the following characteristics may intermittently return incorrect results:

      • non-grouping aggregation on a nested collection that is joined to parent table
      • query has straight_join hint or has several joins on nested collections

      The characteristic plan shape that is subject to this bug has a subplan with a nested-loop join with a non-grouping aggregation on its build side (left side).

      Example with characteristic plan shape:

      select straight_join c_custkey, cnt
      from tpch_nested_parquet.customer c,
      (select count(*) cnt1 from c.c_orders) v
      where cnt1 = 1
      | Explain String                                                                     |
      | Estimated Per-Host Requirements: Memory=186.00MB VCores=1                          |
      | WARNING: The following tables are missing relevant table and/or column statistics. |
      | tpch_nested_parquet.customer                                                       |
      |                                                                                    |
      | 06:EXCHANGE [UNPARTITIONED]                                                        |
      | |                                                                                  |
      | 01:SUBPLAN                                                                         |
      | |                                                                                  |
      | |--05:NESTED LOOP JOIN [CROSS JOIN]    <--- NLJ with AGG on build side                                            |
      | |  |                                                                               |
      | |  |--04:AGGREGATE [FINALIZE]                                                      |
      | |  |  |  output: count(*)                                                          |
      | |  |  |  having: count(*) = 1                                                      |
      | |  |  |                                                                            |
      | |  |  03:UNNEST [c.c_orders]                                                       |
      | |  |                                                                               |
      | |  02:SINGULAR ROW SRC                                                             |
      | |                                                                                  |
      | 00:SCAN HDFS [tpch_nested_parquet.customer c]                                      |
      |    partitions=1/1 files=4 size=577.87MB                                            |

      I suspect that our tests did did not catch this because we typically invert nested-loop joins to have singular row sources on the build side, so this bug would only manifest in more complex plans or with straight_join.

      The underlying problem seems to be that the memory backing aggregation tuples is not properly transferred to the output batch in the last subplan iteration.

      See partitioned-aggregation-node.cc:

      // Some but not all memory is transferred here:
      void PartitionedAggregationNode::GetSingletonOutput(RowBatch* row_batch) {
        // Keep the current chunk to amortize the memory allocation over a series
        // of Reset()/Open()/GetNext()* calls.
        row_batch->tuple_data_pool()->AcquireData(mem_pool_.get(), true);
        // This node no longer owns the memory for singleton_output_tuple_.
        singleton_output_tuple_ = NULL;
      // When closing the agg node we free the mem pool, but there may be in-flight rows still referencing its memory.
      void PartitionedAggregationNode::Close(RuntimeState* state) {
        if (agg_fn_pool_.get() != NULL) agg_fn_pool_->FreeAll();
        if (mem_pool_.get() != NULL) mem_pool_->FreeAll();
        if (ht_ctx_.get() != NULL) ht_ctx_->Close();
        if (serialize_stream_.get() != NULL) serialize_stream_->Close();

      The best way to reproduce is to enable the following query options:

      set num_nodes=1;
      set num_scanner_threads=1;
      select straight_join c_custkey, cnt
      from tpch_nested_parquet.customer c,
      (select count(*) cnt1 from c.c_orders) v
      where cnt1 = 1
      // Garbage results
      | c_custkey | cnt1   |
      | 14996     | 135730 |
      | 9938      | 0      |
      | 48365     | 97291  |
      | 131732    | 2      |
      | 43360     | 67355  |
      | 42239     | 0      |
      | 17480     | 0      |
      | 86840     | 12271  |
      | 2855      | 0      |
      | 138173    | 0      |
      | 52973     | 0      |
      | 140732    | 0      |
      | 148949    | 0      |
      | 87212     | 0      |
      | 25622     | 0      |
      | 1910      | 0      |
      | 67328     | 0      |




            tarmstrong Tim Armstrong
            alex.behm Alexander Behm
            0 Vote for this issue
            5 Start watching this issue

