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  1. Hadoop Common
  2. HADOOP-19092 ABFS phase 4: post Hadoop 3.4.0 features
  3. HADOOP-18656

ABFS: Support for Pagination in Recursive Directory Delete




      Today, when a recursive delete is issued for a large directory in ADLS Gen2 (HNS) account, the directory deletion happens in O(1) but in backend ACL Checks are done recursively for each object inside that directory which in case of large directory could lead to request time out. Pagination is introduced in the Azure Storage Backend for these ACL checks.

      More information on how pagination works can be found on public documentation of Azure Delete Path API.

      This PR contains changes to support this from client side. To trigger pagination, client needs to add a new query parameter "paginated" and set it to true along with recursive set to true. In return if the directory is large, server might return a continuation token back to the caller. If caller gets back a continuation token, it has to call the delete API again with continuation token along with recursive and pagination set to true. This is similar to directory delete of FNS account.

      Pagination is available only in versions "2023-08-03" onwards.
      PR also contains functional tests to verify driver works well with different combinations of recursive and pagination features for HNS.
      Full E2E testing of pagination requires large dataset to be created and hence not added as part of driver test suite. But extensive E2E testing has been performed.




            anujmodi2021 Anuj Modi
            sreeb Sree Bhattacharyya
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