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  1. Hadoop Common
  2. HADOOP-15222

Refine proxy user authorization to support multiple ACL list



    • Bug
    • Status: Open
    • Major
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • 3.0.0
    • None
    • security
    • None


      This Jira is responding to follow up work for HADOOP-14077. The original goal of HADOOP-14077 is to have ability to support multiple ACL lists. The original problem is a separation of duty use case where the Hadoop cluster hosting company monitors Hadoop cluster through jmx. Application logs and hdfs contents should not be visible to hosting company system administrators. When checking for proxy user authorization in AuthenticationFilter to ensure there is a way to authorize normal users and admin users using separate proxy users ACL lists. This was suggested in HADOOP-14060 to configure AuthenticationFilterWithProxyUser this way:


      This enables the second AuthenticationFilterWithProxyUser validates both credentials claim by proxy user, and end user.

      However, there is a side effect that unauthorized users are not properly rejected with 403 FORBIDDEN message if there is no other web filter configured to handle the required authorization work.

      This JIRA is intend to discuss the work of HADOOP-14077 by either combine StaticUserWebFilter + second AuthenticationFilterWithProxyUser into a AuthorizationFilterWithProxyUser as a final filter to evict unauthorized user, or revert both HADOOP-14077 and HADOOP-13119 to eliminate the false positive in user authorization and impersonation.


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              Unassigned Unassigned
              eyang Eric Yang
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              13 Start watching this issue

