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  1. Beam
  2. BEAM-8732

Add support for mapping additional structured types to Python Schemas


    • New Feature
    • Status: Open
    • P3
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • None
    • None
    • sdk-py-core
    • None


      Currently we can convert between a NamedTuple type and its Schema protos using named_tuple_from_schema and named_tuple_to_schema. I'd like to introduce a system to support additional types, starting with structured types like attrs, dataclasses, and TypedDict.

      I've only just started digesting the code, but this task seems pretty straightforward. For example, I think the type-to-schema code would look roughly like this:

      def typing_to_runner_api(type_):
        # type: (Type) -> schema_pb2.FieldType
        structured_handler = _get_structured_handler(type_)
        if structured_handler:
          schema = None
          if hasattr(type_, 'id'):
            schema = SCHEMA_REGISTRY.get_schema_by_id(type_.id)
          if schema is None:
            fields = structured_handler.get_fields()
            type_id = str(uuid4())
            schema = schema_pb2.Schema(fields=fields, id=type_id)
            SCHEMA_REGISTRY.add(type_, schema)
          return schema_pb2.FieldType(

      The rest of the work would be in implementing a class hierarchy for working with structured types, such as getting a list of fields from an instance, and instantiation from a list of fields. Eventually we can extend this behavior to arbitrary, unstructured types.  

      Going in the schema-to-type direction, we have the problem of choosing which type to use for a given schema. I believe that as long as typing_to_runner_api() has been called on our structured type in the current python session, it should be added to the registry and thus round trip ok, so I think we just need a public function for registering schemas for structured types.

      bhulette Did you want to tackle this or are you ok with me going after it?



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              chadrik Chad Dombrova
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