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  1. Beam
  2. BEAM-8522

beam_PreCommit_Python2_PVR_Flink_Commit failure


    • Bug
    • Status: Resolved
    • P2
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • None
    • Not applicable
    • runner-flink
    • None


      I'm confused by why this happens, as we added flink-master-url as an alias for flink-master. Also, the cron version isn't red and I don't think I changed anything in my PR that could have touched this. Could be wrong about that though.

      14:02:09 [main] ERROR org.apache.beam.runners.flink.FlinkJobServerDriver - Unable to parse command line arguments.14:02:09 org.kohsuke.args4j.CmdLineException: "--flink-master-url" is not a valid option*14:02:09* at org.kohsuke.args4j.CmdLineParser.parseArgument(CmdLineParser.java:497)14:02:09 at org.apache.beam.runners.flink.FlinkJobServerDriver.parseArgs(FlinkJobServerDriver.java:87)14:02:09 at org.apache.beam.runners.flink.FlinkJobServerDriver.fromParams(FlinkJobServerDriver.java:98)14:02:09 at org.apache.beam.runners.flink.FlinkJobServerDriver.main(FlinkJobServerDriver.java:73)14:02:09 Usage: java FlinkJobServerDriver arguments...14:02:09 --artifact-port N : The artifact service port. 0 to use a*14:02:09* dynamic port. (Default: 8098) (default: 8098)14:02:09 --artifacts-dir VAL : The location to store staged artifact files*14:02:09* (default: /tmp/beam-artifact-staging)14:02:09 --clean-artifacts-per-job VALUE : When true, remove each job's staged*14:02:09* artifacts when it completes (default: true)14:02:09 --expansion-port N : The Java expansion service port. 0 to use a*14:02:09* dynamic port. (Default: 8097) (default: 8097)14:02:09 --flink-conf-dir VAL : Directory containing Flink YAML*14:02:09* configuration files. These properties will*14:02:09* be set to all jobs submitted to Flink and*14:02:09* take precedence over configurations in*14:02:09* FLINK_CONF_DIR.14:02:09 --flink-master VAL : Flink master address (host:port) to submit*14:02:09* the job against. Use Use "[local]" to start*14:02:09* a local cluster for the execution. Use*14:02:09* "[auto]" if you plan to either execute*14:02:09* locally or submit through Flink's CLI.14:02:09 (default: [auto])14:02:09 --job-host VAL : The job server host name (default: localhost)14:02:09 --job-port N : The job service port. 0 to use a dynamic*14:02:09* port. (Default: 8099) (default: 8099)




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            ibzib Kyle Weaver
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