

    • Hide
      Added a bypass to hbck2:

      $ HBASE_CLASSPATH_PREFIX=../hbase-operator-tools/hbase-hbck2/target/hbase-hbck2-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar ./bin/hbase org.apache.hbase.HBCK2

       -d,--debug run with debug output
       -h,--help output this help message
       -p,--hbase.zookeeper.property.clientPort peerport of target hbase
       -q,--hbase.zookeeper.quorum <arg> ensemble of target hbase
       -z,--zookeeper.znode.parent parent znode of target hbase

       setTableState <TABLENAME> <STATE>
         Possible table states: ENABLED, DISABLED, DISABLING, ENABLING
         To read current table state, in the hbase shell run:
           hbase> get 'hbase:meta', '<TABLENAME>', 'table:state'
         A value of \x08\x00 == ENABLED, \x08\x01 == DISABLED, etc.
         An example making table name 'user' ENABLED:
           $ HBCK2 setTableState users ENABLED
         Returns whatever the previous table state was.

       assigns <ENCODED_REGIONNAME>...
         A 'raw' assign that can be used even during Master initialization.
         Skirts Coprocessors. Pass one or more encoded RegionNames:
         e.g. 1588230740 is hard-coded encoding for hbase:meta region and
         de00010733901a05f5a2a3a382e27dd4 is an example of what a random
         user-space encoded Region name looks like. For example:
           $ HBCK2 assign 1588230740 de00010733901a05f5a2a3a382e27dd4
         Returns the pid of the created AssignProcedure or -1 if none.

       bypass [OPTIONS] <PID>...
         Pass one (or more) procedure 'pid's to skip to the procedure finish.
         Parent of this procedures will also skip to its finish. Entities will
         be left in an inconsistent state and will require manual fixup.
         Pass --force to break any outstanding locks.
         Pass --waitTime=<seconds> to wait on entity lock before giving up.
         Default: force=false and waitTime=0. Returns true if succeeded.

       unassigns <ENCODED_REGIONNAME>...
         A 'raw' unassign that can be used even during Master initialization.
         Skirts Coprocessors. Pass one or more encoded RegionNames:
         Skirts Coprocessors. Pass one or more encoded RegionNames:
         de00010733901a05f5a2a3a382e27dd4 is an example of what a random
         user-space encoded Region name looks like. For example:
           $ HBCK2 unassign 1588230740 de00010733901a05f5a2a3a382e27dd4
         Returns the pid of the created UnassignProcedure or -1 if none.
      Added a bypass to hbck2: {code} $ HBASE_CLASSPATH_PREFIX=../hbase-operator-tools/hbase-hbck2/target/hbase-hbck2-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar ./bin/hbase org.apache.hbase.HBCK2 usage: HBCK2 [OPTIONS] COMMAND <ARGS> Options:  -d,--debug run with debug output  -h,--help output this help message  -p,--hbase.zookeeper.property.clientPort peerport of target hbase                                             ensemble  -q,--hbase.zookeeper.quorum <arg> ensemble of target hbase  -z,--zookeeper.znode.parent parent znode of target hbase Commands:  setTableState <TABLENAME> <STATE>    Possible table states: ENABLED, DISABLED, DISABLING, ENABLING    To read current table state, in the hbase shell run:      hbase> get 'hbase:meta', '<TABLENAME>', 'table:state'    A value of \x08\x00 == ENABLED, \x08\x01 == DISABLED, etc.    An example making table name 'user' ENABLED:      $ HBCK2 setTableState users ENABLED    Returns whatever the previous table state was.  assigns <ENCODED_REGIONNAME>...    A 'raw' assign that can be used even during Master initialization.    Skirts Coprocessors. Pass one or more encoded RegionNames:    e.g. 1588230740 is hard-coded encoding for hbase:meta region and    de00010733901a05f5a2a3a382e27dd4 is an example of what a random    user-space encoded Region name looks like. For example:      $ HBCK2 assign 1588230740 de00010733901a05f5a2a3a382e27dd4    Returns the pid of the created AssignProcedure or -1 if none.  bypass [OPTIONS] <PID>...    Pass one (or more) procedure 'pid's to skip to the procedure finish.    Parent of this procedures will also skip to its finish. Entities will    be left in an inconsistent state and will require manual fixup.    Pass --force to break any outstanding locks.    Pass --waitTime=<seconds> to wait on entity lock before giving up.    Default: force=false and waitTime=0. Returns true if succeeded.  unassigns <ENCODED_REGIONNAME>...    A 'raw' unassign that can be used even during Master initialization.    Skirts Coprocessors. Pass one or more encoded RegionNames:    Skirts Coprocessors. Pass one or more encoded RegionNames:    de00010733901a05f5a2a3a382e27dd4 is an example of what a random    user-space encoded Region name looks like. For example:      $ HBCK2 unassign 1588230740 de00010733901a05f5a2a3a382e27dd4    Returns the pid of the created UnassignProcedure or -1 if none. {code}


      This JIRA is for adding bypassProcedure to HBCK2 over in hbase-operator-tools. Depends on HBASE-21023 being completed first.




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