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  1. Apache Cordova
  2. CB-14168

edit-config support for iOS plist



    • Improvement
    • Status: Open
    • Major
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • cordova-common@2.2.3
    • None
    • cordova-common
    • Cordova CLI, ios


      I have added following edit-config to my config.xml:


      <edit-config file="*-Info.plist" mode="overwrite" target="UISupportedInterfaceOrientations">
      <edit-config file="*-Info.plist" mode="overwrite" target="UISupportedInterfaceOrientations~ipad">

      But, the ionic cordova prepare throws exception doc.find is not a function. I have made the following change to utils files(/usr/local/lib/node_modules/cordova/node_modules/cordova-common/src/util) in my local to fix this issue.




      // File ConfigFile.js
      ConfigFile.prototype.graft_child = function ConfigFile_graft_child (selector, xml_child) {
      var self = this;
      var filepath = self.filepath;
      var result;
      if (self.type === 'xml') {
      var xml_to_graft = [modules.et.XML(xml_child.xml)];
      switch (xml_child.mode) {
      case 'merge':
      result = modules.xml_helpers.graftXMLMerge(self.data, xml_to_graft, selector, xml_child);
      case 'overwrite':
      result = modules.xml_helpers.graftXMLOverwrite(self.data, xml_to_graft, selector, xml_child);
      case 'remove':
      result = modules.xml_helpers.pruneXMLRemove(self.data, selector, xml_to_graft);
      result = modules.xml_helpers.graftXML(self.data, xml_to_graft, selector, xml_child.after);
      if (!result) {
      throw new Error('Unable to graft xml at selector "' + selector + '" from "' + filepath + '" during config install');
      } else {
      // plist file. Passed mode from here
      result = modules.plist_helpers.graftPLIST(self.data, xml_child.xml, selector, xml_child.mode);
      if (!result) {
      throw new Error('Unable to graft plist "' + filepath + '" during config install');
      self.is_changed = true;



      // File: xml-helper.js
      resolveParent: function (doc, selector) {
      var parent, tagName, subSelector;
      // handle absolute selector (which elementtree doesn't like)
      if (ROOT.test(selector)) {
      tagName = selector.match(ROOT)[1];
      // test for wildcard "any-tag" root selector
      if (tagName === '*' || tagName === doc._root.tag) {
      parent = doc._root;
      // could be an absolute path, but not selecting the root
      if (ABSOLUTE.test(selector)) {
      subSelector = selector.match(ABSOLUTE)[2];
      parent = parent.find(subSelector);
      } else {
      return false;
      } else {
      // here is the issue for exception "doc.finf is not a function"
      parent = Array.isArray(doc) ? doc.find(selector) : doc[selector];
      return parent;



      // File: plist-helper.js
      function graftPLIST (doc, xml, selector, mode) {
      var obj = plist.parse('<plist>' + xml + '</plist>');
      var node = doc[selector];
      if (node && Array.isArray(node) && Array.isArray(obj)) {
      // node = node.concat(obj);
      // addressed overwrite mode here
      (mode == 'overwrite') ? (node = obj) : (node = node.concat(obj));
      for (var i = 0; i < node.length; i++) {
      for (var j = i + 1; j < node.length; ++j) {
      if (nodeEqual(node[i], node[j])) { node.splice(j--, 1); }
      doc[selector] = node;
      } else {
      // plist uses objects for <dict>. If we have two dicts we merge them instead of
      // overriding the old one. See CB-6472
      if (node && __.isObject(node) && __.isObject(obj) && !__.isDate(node) && !__.isDate(obj)) { // arrays checked above
      __.extend(obj, node);
      doc[selector] = obj;
      return true;




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            AUK4JIRA Uday Kiran
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